Dance Film Workshop with Michael Maurissens
An intensive creation studio for (dance) artists, where participants work in a collaborative way on their own short dance film.
From initial inspiration, to conceptualization, to production and finally post-production: participants will be guided through the different stages of a film production and produce their own dance film. It is both a format for individual creativity, an opportunity to practice and learn artistic, aesthetic and technical skills, and a wonderful format for sharing and collaborative practices.
Michael Maurissens was born in Brussels, where he started his dance training. He went on to study dance at the Heinz Bosl Foundation in Munich (1991-1992) and at the Swiss Ballet Vocational School in Zurich (1992-1993 – with the support of the Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation) and was engaged by Ballett Nürnberg/ Tanzwerk Nürnberg, Ballett Freiburg pretty ugly, the National Theater Mannheim and Pretty Ugly Tanz Köln.
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In 2009 he founded the MichaelDouglas Collective together with colleague Douglas Bateman.
The collective’s focus is on research into collaborative art production and the development of collective creation methods in a performance context. Through an independent and accountable structure, the collective addresses the challenges of its artistic choices, such as working as a non-hierarchical structure, reducing the usual temporal parameters for the development of artistic processes (One Week Stand), and fostering dialogue and exchange at the intersections of disciplines and issues such as communication, architecture, sociology, psychology, and conflict resolution.
For several years Michael Maurissens has been working with media beyond the means of dance art, in the field of graphic design, photography and film (as a filmmaker, cinematographer and editor) and in 2013 he completed his postgraduate studies at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne; his studies focused on scenography, applied visual arts and documentary film. Today he directs and produces films, experimental video works, performance documentaries and participates in collaborative visual art projects. Further information: http://miflo.com/workshop.html
Registration: info@moovy-festival.com

Lectures, discussion, exchange, networking…
Festival directors, media artists, choreographers and dancers working at the interface of dance and film as well as digital arts are invited to present their works, projects or ongoing work and research processes in an open sharing format. In question and discussion rounds, a common exchange is to take place that enables an artistic exchange as well as networking in the field of dance and digital arts. Interested parties who do not wish to present their own work are also welcome.
Dr. Claudia Rosiny has been responsible for the performing arts at the Federal Office of Culture, Bern, since 2021, previously responsible for dance and theater from 2012. In addition, she teaches and publishes, among others: Dance Film, Intermedial Relations between Media History and Modern Dance Aesthetics, Contemporary Dance. Körper, Konzepte, Kulturen, Bielefeld: transcript 2007. She studied theater, film and television studies in Cologne and Amsterdam and received her PhD from the University of Bern with a thesis on video dance. She directed the Berner Tanztage from 1991 to 2007 and established a forum for media and design at the Kornhaus Bern from 1998 to 2007. After a fellowship stay in New York City in 2008-2009, she was a consultant and project manager at the Swiss Dance Archive, now SAPA (Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts), from 2009 to 2012.
Dr. Einav Katan-Schmid is head of the dance department at Kibbutzim College in Israel. She is a philosopher, choreographer and dramaturg. She led the interdisciplinary research project “Playing with Virtual Realities” on dance with the VR technology HTC Vive as part of her postdoctoral fellowship at the Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Design at Humboldt University in Berlin. She is the author of Embodied Philosophy in Dance: Gaga and Ohad Naharin’s Movement Research (Palgrave Macmillan 2016). She served as Core Convener of the international Performance Philosophy network, is co-founder of Mo.Ré, a movement research collective, and serves on the editorial board of the Dance Studies Association’s Studies in Dance series. She holds a PhD in philosophy from Tel-Aviv University, Israel. She works and researches at the intersection of ethics, hermeneutics, dance aesthetics, technology, and culture creation.
Harmony Bench researches practices, performances, and circulations of dance in the contexts of digital and screen media. She is Associate Professor of Dance at The Ohio State University, and author ofPerpetual Motion: Dance, Digital Cultures, and the Common (University of Minnesota Press, 2020). Digital humanities collaborations with Kate Elswit include Dunham’s Data: Katherine Dunham and Digital Methods for Dance Historical Inquiry (Ref: AH/R012989/1; www.dunhamsdata.org), and Visceral Histories, Visual Arguments: Dance-Based Approaches to Data. From 2014-2019, she co-edited The International Journal of Screendance with Simon Ellis, and in 2021, she guest-edited the special issueThis Is Where We Dance Now: COVID-19 and the New and Next in Dance Onscreen with Alexandra Harlig. She received her PhD in Culture and Performance from UCLA, MA in Performance Studies from NYU, and undergraduate degrees in Ballet and Women’s Studies from the University of Utah.
Dr. phil. Jonathan Harth studied sociology, philosophy, and psychology at the Free University of Berlin and the University of Vienna and works as a research associate at the Chair of Sociology at Witten/Herdecke University.
His research interests include the sociology of digitalization (especially virtual reality and sociality under conditions of machine intelligence) and sociology of religion (Western Buddhism).
Since 2020, Harth has been working in the research project “Ai.vatar – the virtual intelligent assistant” (IKT.NRW) and is dedicated to the basic research-oriented construction and investigation of artificially intelligent avatar systems for use in virtual and augmented environments.
Registration: info@moovy-festival.com
Max. Number of participants: 15